Megadoom II
MEGADOOM II - iso.7z
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250 lines
This help file is to aid you in figuring out the new interface. The first
part is a more detailed description of the new functions. The second part
is DETAILED help according to each menu option.
If you're having problems, we hope the answer lies within.
Paul Hermann (hermann@vision.poly-eng.uakron.edu)
Russell Gilbert (NEW ADDRESS---> b804683@csc1.ftw.bnr.com)
- "Talk" feature is now SPLIT screen...no more interrupting each other :)
- Dos Shell
- Directory Listing and File Flagging (Currently there is a limit of
300 displayed, but you can specify file extensions of the files
you want to see. All files are sorted and can be flagged by number.
- Displaying WadFile Map Directories. Pick files to see by entering the
name or by flagging from the directory option.
- Configure Option almost completly rewritten.
* Entering a directory where the Pwads are located.
* Entering multiple Pwads. Enter manually, or by flagging. Once
the files are entered, Configure scans the files to make
sure that they are valid, and automatically sets the episode
and mission to the lowest mission in the set. (The values
autoscanned can be changed later if desired).
* Capability to add arguments to be passed to DOOM (i.e -turbo xxx).
Used for some uncommon switches that aren't in the SER6.CFG
NOTE: You must specify to ADD by using a '+' on the entry line.
* Altdeath switch added when playing a Deathmatch game.
- Configuration file now called SER6.CFG (instead of modem.cfg)
New Items to the CFG file
* DOOM2= Set to 1 if your using Doom ][: Hell on Earth
* DOOMEXE= To specify the Doom EXE to run. (Default = 'DOOM')
* DOOMVER1_2= Set to 1 to tell SER6 that you're using DOOM version 1.2
or below so it won't use response files when calling DOOM.
(Default = 0)
* DIRECTORY= Used to set the default location of Pwad files.
Example: DIRECTORY=c:\doom\wads\
(Default = '.\' = current directory)
* WADNAME= If you play one Pwad all of the time, you can specify it
in the config. Only one file can be listed here.
* NODROPDTR= Set to 1 to tell SER6 not to drop DTR when exiting SER6.
NOTE: SER6 doesn't hang up when exiting DOOM -- this option is
for when you exit SER6 itself.
(Default = 0)
* ALTDEATH= Set to 1 to enable the DeathMatch 2.0 feature.
(Default = 0)
* ALTBAUD= To specify an alternate baud rate to choose at runtime.
Used with ALTBAUDINIT. (See below)
* ALTBAUDINIT= To specify a modem baud rate command to be used with
the ALTBAUD setting.
For example, if you usually use &N6 (depending on your modem)
for 9600 baud, but you occasionally use &N8 for 14400 baud,
set ALTBAUD=14400 and ALTBAUDINIT=AT&N8. Then choose
"[U] Use Alternate BAUD and INIT" at startup. The port will
then be re-initialized to 14400, and the "AT&N8" will be
sent to the modem *after* the INIT1 and INIT2 strings when you
dial or answer. (The &N8 gets sent second, overriding the
&N6 -- you get the idea...)
- ZMODEM File Transfers:
* Uses DSZ (copyright OMEN Technologies).
* Requires PKZIP (copyright PKWARE Inc.) v2.04g to be in your PATH.
* Shareware version of DSZ must be in the directory "TRANSFER\" off
of your DOOM directory. If you have the Registered version
it *MUST* have the download directory set to "TRASFER\"
sorry, but this is the only way I could keep things straight.
**WARNING** the transfer directory should be thought of as a
temporary directory. Any ZIP files in this directory can
and WILL be accessed by SER6 and may be ERASED.
* Files to be sent can be flagged via the directory option.
* All NON-ZIP files will be compressed before sending. ZIP files
will be sent individually as-is.
* If you're sending multiple ZIP files, or long path names are used,
DSZ will be called multiple times to send all of the Flagged
files. There is a negotiation process during the DSZ
session, so you won't have to do anything.
* After transfer, the receiver has the option to unzip all files,
Flag files, or leave them for later.
NOTE: MOST Pwad authors *REQUIRE* that their files be distributed in
their original form. Please respect their wishes.
Help by menu choice:
[D] Dial the number given in the DIAL= parameter, dial the number entered
at the prompt, or dial the phonebook entry when given a name.
[A] Wait for an incomming call.
[C] Use an already connected link.
[U] Re-init the port to the alternate baud rate set in ALTBAUD in the CFG file,
and send the modem baud rate command in ALTBAUDINIT after INIT1 and INIT2
when dialing or answering.
[Q] Quit SER6.
[D] Launch Doom with the values specified in the configure options.
[C] Configure the parameters to be passed to DOOM.
Wadfile Directory: Enter the directory location of PWAD files you are
going to be playing.
WAD Names: Enter the names of the PWAD files you want to play. Up to 9 WAD
files can be entered at this prompt, each separated by a space.
Program Output: At this point, the program will scan the entered PWAD's
to: (1) Ensure they exist (2) Ensure they're valid PWAD's (3) Find out
what missions are contained in this WAD (4) Display AutoWarped results.
Doom Switches: This is where all of the PWADs and miscellaneous switches
that are being passed to Doom are displayed. Although ALL switches are
displayed, ONLY the miscellaneous switches can be changed at this prompt.
You can erase the current switches by entering a '-1' or you can
change the MISC. switches by entering new text
(i.e. '-timer 5 -record modemo'). If you want to ADD a parameter to the
list, you MUST use a '+' character as the FIRST character on the line.
(i.e. '+-fast -turbo 10') Note that you do need to supply the '-' as you
would on the DOOM command line.
Program Output: If any changes are made to the Miscellaneous switches,
the program will display the new Misc. Switches. Note: The files will
not be re-displayed at this point.
Deathmatch: Enter 1 if you are going to play a Deathmatch game.
Altdeath: Enter 1 if you want to use Deathmatch 2.0 rules. NOTE: This
prompt is only displayed if you entered a '1' for Deathmatch.
Nomonsters: Enter 1 if you don't want monsters.
Respawn: Enter 1 if you want the monsters to respawn.
Episode: This prompt will reflect the episode picked by AutoWarp, you can
change it if you wish.
Map: This prompt will reflect the map picked by AutoWarp, you can change
it if you wish.
Skill: Enter a value of 1-5 to select the desired difficulty level.
LoadGame: Enter a value of 0-5 to load the desired saved game. Note: The
other player must have the same saved game in order to play.
[T] Talk with the other person in split screen chat mode. The screen
has been known to be messed up when exiting Doom and going into Talk. This
is due to control characters that are sitting in the serial buffer left
from your game of DOOM. If this happens, just escape back to the main
menu and re-enter Talk.
[S] Serial Statistics of your previous Doom game.
[Q] Quit SER6.
[!] Dos Shell. This will load a DOS shell based on the value of your
COMSPEC environment variable. The modem will remain connected during the
shell. There is no need to return to your DOOM directory before typing
'EXIT', the program has already stored the proper path and will
automatically return you there. Your prompt will also be modified to
remind you that you are in a Dos Shell from SER6. This will be restored
to your original prompt when you exit.
[W] Used to display the Episode and Map numbers contained in a WAD file.
Directory: Enter the directory where the WAD files are located.
WAD Names: This is where you enter the names of the PWAD files you
want to play. Up to 9 wad files can be entered at this prompt,
each separated by a space.
Program Output: The program will display ALL levels contained in the WAD
file, pausing between files.
[F] This will display a directory listing, and allow you to Flag files for
use in other menu options.
File Extension. Enter the file extension you wish to have displayed.
NOTE: A maximum of 3 characters are allowed at this prompt. You may
enter a single '*' to display all files. No other wild card characters
are supported.
Directory. Enter the directory you wish to see. Long directory names may
mess up the display....try to limit your entries to 10 to 20
Program Output: The program will display all matching files in
alphabetical order in pages of 68 files per page.
Flagging: Enter the numbers of the files you wish to FLAG. Type the
desired number, then press ENTER. Continue flagging until
you have entered 20 files or just press return to quit. You will not be
permitted to enter a number higher than the last file number displayed
on the screen. However if you are on a following page, you will be
able to enter a number on a previous page.
Program Output: If there are more pages to display, they will be displayed
followed by a propmt. All previously Flagged files will be shown.
NOTE: The files flagged in this operation will be used as the DEFAULT
choices in ALL other menu options.
[Z] Zmodem File Transfer. This option uses an EXTERNAL Zmodem protocol to
transfer files.
Send or Receive: Enter the proper letter.
Directory: Enter the Directory where the files to be transfered
are located.
File Names: This is where you enter the name of the files you want
to transfer. Up to 20 wad files can be entered at this prompt,
each name separated by a space.
Program Output: The program will then call PKZIP to compress all
non-ZIP files. Then the program will call DSZ to send all
selected files. NOTE: Since DSZ requires the files to be
passed to it on the command line, due to command line length
limitations, DSZ may have to be called more than once to complete
the transfer. This process is automatic and does not require
any user interaction.
Directory: If you are going to Extract any files, enter the desired
directory here. NOTE: you will be given the choice of extracing
any, all or none of the files later.
Program Output: Your machine will now wait for the remote system
to send its ready signal. You can abort by using the <ESC> key.
NOTE: The remote system may be force to call DSZ to send all of
its files using multiple calls to DSZ. Your system will wait
for the proper signal to tell your system what to do. If
something goes wrong, your system will TIMEOUT after 20 seconds.
Extract files: You will be asked if you want to extract files.
If you enter FLAG, you will be given a directory listing of all
ZIP files in your TRANSFER subdirectory. See above for
instructions on flagging files from a directory view.
If you Extracted any files, you will then be asked if the system
should delete the ZIP files.
NOTE: The file transfer speed may be slightly slower than you're used
to seeing with ZMODEM. This is not a BUG or a problem with your setup.
Since your modem is configured to work with DOOM, all of your modem's
Speed and Error Features are turned OFF and this is why the file
transfer speed is lower.